This project began by me making a painting/drawing/collage, or whatever medium/material I decided, every day for 30 days. NO forward planning. However, I now post other pieces of work that I do. I am sure I will do another set of 30 in 30 at some point - it is a great project to get the creative process going again after a stagnant period of time.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

The Merry-Go-Round

Acrylic on Card

Well here it is. The very last one of this series of 30 paintings in 30 days. I can't believe it's the end of this lot! A new series will begin on Monday 9th June 08. There will be a slightly different set of rules though next time. This has been very eye opening & interesting for me and has given me the confidence to continue & perhaps exhibit some of my work. I have no exhibitions lined up yet, but hopefully soon.
Thank you to all those that took an interest.

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Laurie Pearsall said...

Congratulations! Now, that wasn't so bad, was it! I have loved checking in on your images and moods each day and hope to see many months to come!

Anonymous said...

KEEP ON TRUCKIN' That went fast- I have loved checking in on your daily images and moods and look forward to many more to come!