This project began by me making a painting/drawing/collage, or whatever medium/material I decided, every day for 30 days. NO forward planning. However, I now post other pieces of work that I do. I am sure I will do another set of 30 in 30 at some point - it is a great project to get the creative process going again after a stagnant period of time.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Rhythm of the Sea

33cm x 24cm

Acrylic on canvas panel

Just an oddity that popped into my head!
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Sunday, 20 July 2008

What happens next???

I have now completed two projects - paintings/drawings & it's a really great feeling to know I have now completed these. I am going to continue but with a difference for awhile...

... I am currently doing some training which is taking quite a lot of time & thought up. We are also trying to find somewhere else to live among many other plans, therefore, I have decided to continue with my artwork but on a different scale. I am going to make a start on some pieces I have wanted to do for some time so there will not be a post everyday. I have no idea how often I will post but please keep checking back. I will try for at least one per week, but don't hold your breath, some of the pieces I wish to do are going to take quite some time to implement. Thank you to all of you who have been keeping up with my projects. STAY TUNED...

Midday Meditation

31cm x 19cm
Pastel & pen

This is the LAST ONE! in the second '30 paintings in 30 days' project. Today we decided to have a bit of fun with Colin (my partner). I decided I wanted to do one of him meditating in his new reading glasses! Instead of the usual jeans & t-shirt he was wearing I drew him in a bright orange kaftan (artistic licence!). I have to say this one is not a great likeness of him but not far off and it was great fun to do.
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Saturday, 19 July 2008

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

1 day old.

31cm x 19cm
Watercolour & pen

1 day old. Don't really need to say any more about this one, although it didn't turn out quite how I'd planned. There probably won't be one tomorrow as I am in London all day, but there should be one on Friday - lets hope. Only a couple more to go before the end of this drawing project.
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Tuesday, 15 July 2008

OH NO!!! No picture today

Sorry folks! no picture today. The hours got away from me & suddenly it is 7.30pm & I am about to collapse (after cooking some dinner) on the sofa for an hour or so before bed. I have been racing about all day & am now looking after an unwell little boy - hopefully he will be ok tomorrow!....
Another picture tomorrow, we hope.

Monday, 14 July 2008


25cm x 19cm
Pen & Watercolour
Today's inspiration is from a photo taken last year on holiday in Mallorca. Can't wait to get back there!

Sunday, 13 July 2008


25cm x 25cm
watercolour & pen

I was going to do another spiritual figure today, but it was all a bit of a strain! so here is my son drawing on his bed. He has to do a drawing every time I do one!

Well I am gradually catching up, after missing a week due to illness, & only have 4 more to do, so then the 30 drawings will be a completed set. What to do next? not sure yet, possibly back to acrylics but perhaps some larger pieces on board, I love to work in acrylic, it's my favourite medium at the moment so I want to get back to that, although I have really enjoyed using pastels etc for this group. I have some ideas for several larger pieces of work, so it maybe that I just do a piece a week or every few days rather than posting one every day! we shall see... Anyway I still have a few more of these to do. I hope you are all enjoying them. Ciao.x
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Saturday, 12 July 2008

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

19cm x 25cm


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

c1917 - 2008

Monday, 7 July 2008


Sorry there are no more pics at the moment as I am currently unwell, I hope to get back on track later this week, thank you for your patience.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Dalai Lama

Pastel on paper
25cm x 19cm

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Tuesday, 1 July 2008


25cm x 19cm
Pastel on paper

A sandy beach one today. It has been the hottest day of the year here! well, reached about 27 degrees, so hot for the UK. Anyway, felt like we should have been down on the beach.

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