This project began by me making a painting/drawing/collage, or whatever medium/material I decided, every day for 30 days. NO forward planning. However, I now post other pieces of work that I do. I am sure I will do another set of 30 in 30 at some point - it is a great project to get the creative process going again after a stagnant period of time.

Saturday, 31 May 2008

Sun Over The Canyon

Acrylic on Card

This morning's piece is late as I had to take my son to an audition, so I was unable to start painting until 11.45am. But here it is.

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Friday, 30 May 2008


Acrylic on Card

This morning we all awoke exhausted after a night of selfish, irresponsible, idiot neighbours screaming & shouting sporadically up until about 3.00am, drunk as skunks & probably drug addled (them not us) we decided not to shout back at them to 'SHUT IT!', but eventually just as I was beginning to think about calling the cops it all seemed to settle down, bliss..sleep at last.

So at 6.30 this morning I woke up feeling a bit tired! and this painting reflects how I am feeling - Aaaaaaargh.

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Thursday, 29 May 2008


Acrylic on Card

A red geranium. What more can you say? I don't usually do flowers & plants but thought I would give it a go, perhaps more to come at a later date.

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Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Old Mallorcan Well

Acrylic on Card

Inspired by the lovely old Mallorcan wells & outbuildings dotted around the island, most houses out there have their own well.

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Tuesday, 27 May 2008

The Wave

Acrylic on Card

I had my sons swimming lessons on my mind this morning, and so this is what I painted, although, he is swimming in a pool & not the sea. I also had to paint much earlier than usual (7.30am) as I am in London today and would not have had the time to do this later this morning.

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Monday, 26 May 2008

Butterfly Blues

Acrylic on Card

Today's piece is a Copperbanded Butterfly Fish. This morning I was looking at Google Earth, at some old haunts in Australia & as soon as I clicked onto Cairns I immediately set to work on this painting. Remembering the fab diving on the Great Barrier Reef and the most amazing colours of the corals & fish.

I used an iridescent white to help with the shimmering effect that fish scales have.

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Sunday, 25 May 2008

Watching Us....

Acrylic on Card

Ever felt you're being watched? Well you probably are! but by who?
Don't worry I'm not feeling paranoid, it was just a thought I had this morning. Is there anybody out there?

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Saturday, 24 May 2008


Acrylic on Card

Another one done on the boot lid of my car this morning. I had to park under some pine trees and it was very windy, so I was bombed by pine needles, twigs & leaves. After battling against all that, this is what was produced. The trees were very tall pines that stood infront of my car with shrubs, bushes & small trees to the right of them. There was actually a fence running through them all, but it was a very ugly fence so I didn't put it in.

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Friday, 23 May 2008

Street Cafe

Acrylic on Card

This morning I used a different technique (using paintbrushes instead of pallette knives).
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Thursday, 22 May 2008



This morning I had to go out after taking my son to school, so I took my materials with me and set up on a friends kitchen table. She is also an artist and it was good to see some of her work. Many of her paintings are along the lines of aboriginal paintings/art with many painstaking dots, but they are very effective. So I also put a few dots into my painting.
I was inspired today to do something very abstract and mixed a lovely white paint with iridescence into various shades of blue. The picture above does not capture it fully, but it's as close as I can get.

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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? No! It's A Sunset Over the Sea

The painting above is slightly lighter & perhaps easier to see. A few people have said that the one below is a bit too dark!

Acrylic on Card

I enjoyed this doing this one, and felt good about it, although my partner thought it was a plane & then a bird! At least he gave me a title for it. I will let you make your own minds up about it. To me it is when the sun goes Strepsil (throat lozenge) red just before it disappears below the horizon - most beautiful over the sea or around mountains.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2008


Acrylic on Card

My service provider was down today, so I was not able to upload this picture till this evening. Anyway here it is. Waiting.....for a bus!

I am half way through this project, only another 15 to go!!

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Monday, 19 May 2008


Acrylic on Card

A graphic representation of a phoenix. I wanted to put in much more detail, but ran out of time. The fact that such a bird is born out of fire is quite fascinating in itself. A magical, mythical bird.

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Sunday, 18 May 2008

Subjective Reversal

Acrylic on Card

It's no.13 folks! Some days I find it very easy to paint, others are really tough! Today was one of those tough days, I have no clue as to where this idea came from. Blue ground, green sky & pink trees! A very strange lanscape of the imagination.

Don't forget you can post comments if you wish to, under each of the posts there is a comments link.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Extra blurb for today!

I have now added some LINKS on the right hand side of my blog so please feel free to check them out. One is family - Pauline Rowson, who writes crime novels, my close friend Laurie who is an artist, mother, yoga teacher, bionic woman basically (well almost!) and a couple of other links to artists sites. The list will build gradually.

It is pouring with rain, grey and horrid today, but apparently the weather is going to perk up in the week - thank goodness. I am hibernating this weekend, but may do a bit more artwork than my usual one-a-day.

I have another blog site - not much chat but it will hold other paintings/pictures as well as the 30 in 30 project. See links.


Acrylic on Card

This morning's piece are some snowy capped mountains.
I was listening to some music on iTunes and it made me feel free and wanting to explore the world. I have always wanted to climb Everest or do something mad like that, I love mountains, they have an eerie grandeur about them - respect to mountaineers!

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Friday, 16 May 2008

The Canopy

Acrylic on card

I am not feeling my best today, however, I have made the effort as the 'show must go on' as they say! Today's piece is of a rainforest canopy. One of the shades of green I used has a slight metalic glimmer to it, I used this to make the leaves glow a little more, but it loses the shimmer a little on the web!

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Thursday, 15 May 2008

Cala Sant Vicenc, Mallorca

Acrylic on Card

I took this photo in November 2007. I had no idea what to paint this morning and to be quite honest I was not really in the mood for painting, but decided that as my creative flow was not flowing, I would do a painting from a photo I had taken some time previously. I also was not able to 'create' this morning at my usual time as we needed a trip to the hospital for the morning. Anyway, it is done.

Cala Sant Vicenc has the most wonderful bay that is often the most incredible turquoise colour. When it's stormy the waves are huge, and the rocky outcrop in the background (Does anyone know what it's called?) changes colour. I am led to believe that it is one of the most painted scenes in Mallorca.

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Wednesday, 14 May 2008

"'ave A Banana"!

Acrylic on Card

I had no idea what to paint this morning & woke up feeling really lethargic & groggy from a disturbed nights sleep! so whilst looking at the fruit bowl I saw a lonely banana waiting to be painted, so here it is!

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Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Primary Freefall

Acrylic on card

No inspiration here, it was just an idea that popped into my head whilst I was eating my scrambled egg, about 1 minute before I started my mornings painting. Col took photos of me in strange falling positions whilst I balanced myself on the giant footstool. I would have painted the background more thickly with the acrylic paint but knew it would take too long to dry before I needed to place the freefalling people! Anyway, I quite like the idea of it and may transfer this to a large canvas at some point.

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Monday, 12 May 2008

The Depths of the Triple Doors

Acrylic on Card
This piece is from a dream I had last night! I walked through a firey hell with blackness all about me when I came to a triple door!
As I opened the first door the second, seemingly connected, also opened and then the third! What was beyond? I have no idea because I woke up.

My Dreams are always very lucid, so they are always remembered, for a time anyway.

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Sunday, 11 May 2008

A View From Above

Acrylic on Card

Back to same time, same place. I think I was inspired by the pattern the primer had made on the card - it looked like the ocean from above.

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Saturday, 10 May 2008

Summer Trees or (Go Fly a Kite)

Acrylic on card 19cm x 16cm

Although I am supposed to do each piece in the same place and at the same time each day, I have realised that it is an impossibility when you have a four year old to run around after. So, today I compromised.
I had to take my son to his theatre arts group which meets every saturday morning. So when I would normally be walking around the shops in Guildford High St, I took my project bag with me & worked on the flat surface of the boot lid of my car! So the time was the same, but today I had to change the venue. It was quite enjoyable working outside, but of course your acrylics dry more quickly!
Another beautiful sunny day and a warm 25 degrees.
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Friday, 9 May 2008

Beach Umbrellas

Acrylic on Card

An Abstract in acrylic, inspired by my recent 4 day trip to Mallorca.

It has turned out very differently than I had imagined it would.
The blue strips are the sun loungers under the reed grass umbrellas.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Wide Open Spaces

Egg Tempera & Pen on card

I didn't feel very inspired this morning, although the weather is great again & all I had in my head was beach scenes! I decided though that a country scene was needed. It reminded me of hot summer days and country walks when I was a young girl, with insects buzzing about and long grasses tickling my legs.

I have used a medium that I am not familiar with - egg tempera - and then gone over with pen.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Excitement and Joy

Acrylic on Card
Ok, well, today's painting is rather different in that it is very abstract. Inspiration this morning? I think it was because when I woke up & got up I felt quite happy and excited - about what? I do not know. When I am in this mood I usually see colours differently to normal and everything is bright and glowing!
The painting is an explosion (like a firework, I suppose) of excitement & the joy that comes after.
With this project there is no forward planning and I have a set time of 1 hour max to do each piece. The planning begins when the time begins.
I'm loving it.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Summer's Here

Acrylic on card
So here it is, the first one complete - 29 to go!

Inspiration this morning must have been the weather - blue sky, sunshine and a lovely 23 degrees C. Wishing I was still in Mallorca but enjoying the fact that the UK has some great weather at last!

Monday, 5 May 2008

Off we go...

Tuesday 6th May 2008, I will be starting my '30 paintings in 30 days' project. It seems that many people have already done this or are in the process of doing it. My reason for doing this project is to see what the end product will be.

I have brainstormed some rules for this project with a friend and each piece will not take more than an hour to create, all materials/paper/card/canvas/mediums are pre-selected and placed in a box or bag, NO planning ahead, NO examination of previous days work and NO changing pieces that are no good!

I then have to plan an exhibition to show it.!! eeeek.